Before I launch off in to what this blog post is really meant to be about, let me tell you that all of us ladies squashed into HB were rather hot under the collar after the reading - in spite of the fact the reader and author (Krissy Kneene) was a middle-aged woman who looked decidedly eccentric, with a lovely jet of grey in her hair, a la Cruella deVille (I seriously mean that in the nicest possible way). For all you bloggers out there, Krissy - a Brisbane-based author (who works at the Avid Reader! Best job ever!!) - started out as a blogger, whereupon her blog (called, being at work this instant, I clearly can't link it because of the nazi-like firewall we have here) was picked up by a publisher. So there you have it. Blogs can become books. And yes. I bought the book. :o)

Before I stepped into the lovely Honey Birdette, however, I happened upon the first day of business for the latest gallery to open in Brisbane - Le Blanc. One of the first things I saw was a bloody Warhol! Heaven!!! The art in there is fabulous. Seriously fabulous. I am just dying for big white walls in my giant architecturally designed bachelorette pad to slap some - wait all! - of the amazing stuff they have in there on. Truly fabulous. Apologies that the website is not much of an indication, but rest assured they have Dali, Warhol and loads of other incredible stuff that Brisbanites should check out and drool over.

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