If you don't recognise the bushiest eyebrows in Australia, let me fill you in on the legendary James Bartholomew (Bart) Cummings. Aged about 82 (it's his birthday November 14), he has been training champion horses since 1953. He has won an Order of Australia (the British pat on the head for exemplary Aussies), a member of the Australian Sporting hall of fame since 1991, Sportsman of the Year ABC 1975, Archer Award 1988, VRC Personality of the Year 1990, 1991.
So he is decorated, and rightly so. His horses have won 12 Melbourne Cups (for our overseas readers, this is the biggest horse race - actually just biggest race - held in Australia the 1st Tuesday of every November in Melbourne. It's known as the race that stops the nation, and it does. We here in Queensland complain that we don't get a public holiday for it).
As well as being a super race horse trainer, I believe the venerable Mr Cummings is quite the stylish man (particularly when compared to his in-training look of mussed hair and Drizabone).

Now let's look at a catalogue of his at-the-races style:

I love the little flower in the pocket, the square in the pocket and of course the trademark aviators.
He dresses a damn sight better than most of the guys I know (even in his training gear and early-morning hair). Do you think that in the case of men, with age comes style? I know my dad dresses quite well (my mother and I on hand to assist in shopping trips), and he dresses a lot better than when he was younger.
Bart Cummings is also known for his wit:
* "I want one of them to win," when asked what he thought as the judge tried to split stablemates Light Fingers and Ziema after the 1965 Melbourne Cup.
* There was a protest, second against first, after the 1991 Melbourne Cup, where his pair, Let's Elope and Shiva's Revenge, ran the quinella. "Can't lose," Cummings said.
* A health inspector tells Cummings there are too many flies in his stables. "How many am I allowed to have?" he famously retorted.
* Darren Beadman rode the Cummings-trained Catalan Opening to win the 1997 Emirates Stakes at Flemington. It was Beadman's last ride before becoming a preacher. Beadman said his decision was God's instruction. Cummings' view? "I think he should get a second opinion."
* Cummings does not like owners telling him what to do, nor does he like them inquiring about his fees. "If you need to know how much I charge, then you can't afford me," he said, adding that owners who offer training advice are charged extra.
* Cummings attended a Magic Millions breakfast on the Gold Coast a few years ago. Guests included Lillian Frank, wearing a fruit-themed hat, and Subzero (a horse). Subbie started grazing on Lillian's hat, taking a large chunk out the back of it. She scolded the horse, telling him the hat was worth $8000. "It's worth 80c now," Cummings said.
Cummings is now aiming for his 13th Melbourne Cup win, with Viewed, last year's winner the top pick - amongst the eleven other horses he has in contention for the cup.

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