There's an American guy on Twitter (who Ms Phuong has already blogged about - note this was not in the article. duh!) named Justin with more than half a million followers who claims his tweets are purely stuff his 73-year-old father says to him. Some of it looks like material a stand-up comedian is finessing for a routine, while certain lines are so stone cold brilliant and authentic, I need to share one with you. To whit: "That woman was sexy ... Out of your league? Son. Let women figure out why they won't screw you, don't do it for them," says Justin's dad.
That there is just about the only thing a single man needs to learn - and believe - before he heads out on a Friday night to spread his love and loins in the city ... It is, of course, an extension of the maxim, "if you don't ask, the answer is always no". This pretty much sums up why half of the population goes home alone to spank themselves, feed their cats or watch DVDs with their teddy.

We reject ourselves before the person we're attracted can do it, by listening to internal dialogue such as "she's out of my league", "I'm a loser", "I'm not good looking enough" or any number of other escape clauses guys use to avoid talking to attractive women.
I've written before about these "secret excuses" but it's worth noting there are also plenty of men who externalise this dialogue through dressing like a hobo, hanging out with loser mates who scare women off, or just being a creep whenever they talk to chicks. My specialty when talking to women whom I was intimidated by was to be objectionable, shocking or rude - so they'd disqualify me because of social incompetence and I could then kid myself they were stuck up or "didn't get me".
Being objectionable when talking to women can work very well for stimulating attraction, but it needs to be leavened with humour; you have to go easy on the nasty and it took me a long time to work out why I was stuffing up that balance. Sure, a woman might be stuck up, she might be out of your league, you might not have a hope in hell of attracting her, so why not find out?
What else you got to do? Play pinball? Get another $40 shout? Listen to your mate talk about getting his windows tinted?
Go and say "hi".
Look her up and down and say, "So what's your story?"
The key here is delusional confidence best summed up by the statement, "What's not to love?" You need to tell yourself you're irresistible to women, that you're out to have fun, that if she's up for it, you will show her a great night, great conversation and a great big bed.

And if you're wrong? Well, you're exactly where you would have been if you'd just kept your mouth shut.
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