While I don't think Aussie guys are this bad when it comes to fashion, there is most definitely an element of "tribal" or collective dressing amongst our men also - be it the Herringbone shirt & tie combo we professional girls love to see on our accountants/lawyers/brokers, or the Ksubi jeans and designer tee that are de rigeur for the Valley any night of the week, right down to the irritating hipsters who are clones of one another (despite insisting on their individuality).

Here are some great points from the article (natch, click on the link for the full article):
* New Zealand men dress badly
* Few New Zealand men seem to enjoy an engagement with clothes at any level beyond the practical. Few enjoy clothes shopping and a surprisingly high number have their clothes bought for them, first by their mothers and then by their wives. Left alone, most men struggle to understand both size and fit.
* Kiwi men seldom take advantage of the ability of clothing to disguise faults or to enhance natural attributes. They misunderstand the power that well-chosen clothes have to attract the opposite sex. Instead, in New Zealand it seems the male body is a place on which, for the price of a free T-shirt, corporates can place their logos.
* New Zealand men dress tribally rather than individually. Corporate and sporting wardrobes provide refuge for those who can at least play by the rules, but few maximise the opportunities for individual expression those represent. Rather than becoming more sophisticated in their attitude to dress, contemporary New Zealand men have defaulted to a basic wardrobe of singlets, T-shirts, shorts, hoodies and jeans. With a few exceptions, this limited range of clothing – expressed in a dreary overwashed and worn palette of blacks, browns, blues and greys – describes the wardrobe of most Kiwi men.
* Experimentation with clothes is one way we determine who we are and discover our fit as an individual within society. How then did New Zealand men get to the point where access to individual self-expression through clothing has essentially been deleted as an option? The answer lies in recognising that the fashion choices made by Kiwi men are the direct result of the way masculinity has developed in New Zealand.
* The reason New Zealand men dress so badly is that if there is one overarching pattern that shapes the clothing choices of New Zealand men, it is their great fear of “looking like a poof”.
And then it all becomes a little cerebral. However - the points the author makes are fantastic, and I think these elements can be true of both sexes (to a point - we girls aren't so concerned about the "poof" factor!), and are definitely not just limited to NZ men.
I really like this idea:
If we took clothing seriously as an indicator of cultural confidence, we’d know something was wrong, because for clothing to have degraded to the level it has, there must be some underlying cause.

What do you guys think about this? Would love to hear from our NZ contingent!
Why hello there!! What a fabulous post, and that article is great, very true in fact. It just got me thinking about the place I work in, which is in Wellington in the film industry - all but one of the guys are terrible dressers. And that one guy is gay! I sent him the article and here is what he had to say:
"I don't know if poorly dressed men results predominantly from a fear of looking like a poofter. I'd sooner look for answers in the way we market generic clothes stores to the general Kiwi man - Hallensteins, Jay Jays, Just Jeans. These stores, their fashion, is safe and easy. NZ men are perhaps just plain lazy. Too lazy to risk. Too lazy to make an intrinsically personal choice. Too lazy to look for it and go someone alternative, or exclusive. Buuuuut, they are happy to invest in a good looking, not to mention expensive, watch, car, cellphone etc. Because that's typically what male magazines market as masculinity. So they do make exceptions for exclusive, fashionable things.
Besides all this, I have a shitload of heterosexual mates who dress better than the gay "fashionistas" I know.
What does anyone know?! It's an enigma!"
So that's one perspective, and I have definitely noticed the lack of imagination when in comes to men's attire - they do love their t-shirts with logos, especially NZ related logos - they love people to know they are proud to be Kiwi's.. I think..???
Girls fashion on the other hand is fantastic - I'll post on my blog again soon about some great NZ designers - just for you guys!!
Thanks for the love, so great to make new friends, and by the way, I am an Aussie - Sydney to be precise, just working over here for a few years, so I can be objective! :) xx
Hi Ali! So great to hear from you! Yes, I agree with your friend that laziness comes in to play a lot when it comes to guys dressing. I have to admit, one of my favourite activities is dressing males.
Amazing that you jumped across the pond to Wellington. Phuong - the other contributor to the blog lives in HK, and Jen the slacker who never posts lives in Tokyo. It's our way of keeping in touch - a little like reading a magazine together.
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