"It has always been my vision to fully accessorize the woman, and fragrance is an integral part of the modern wardrobe," said Tamara Mellon, Jimmy Choo's founder. "Through the association with Inter Parfums, I look forward to bringing this important aspect of my vision to life." I wonder if her vision also includes taking over the world? Aim high, lady!

In other fragrance news, I took a whiff of Estee Lauder's Pleasures Delight fragrance, and it is very pretty! I have enormous difficulty finding perfumes - firstly I have crazy skin that sends everything smelling like a Marrakech spice market (except not as pleasant) and second I am very fickle and when I do find one I love, I get bored with it after a few months. I have been wearing For Her by Narcisco Rodriguez since a duty free purchase in Seoul earlier this year and I am besotted with it, however it can't be too long before I get bored.
Pleasures always had a special meaning to me, because it was the first perfume gift I ever received, and my dad gave it to me. Bless. However because it was my first perfume, I've always relegated it to the "young girl" pile. Delight is very pretty, and I think I'll be sniffing it out again soon as a light summer fragrance.

Note: I find this advertising a little sick-making, however it does make sense why my dear dad bought Pleasures in the first place. Dads always see you as a sweet little girl, so this advertising is so pertinent to them and the vision of you they have in their mind's eye.
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