Thursday, October 29, 2009

The F Word or 2B?Nt2B?

How to mix low-brow humour with words we rarely use anymore? Take a trip to the eff-ing word of the day (yes, I did not use the "eff" word in full, which we all know is rare for me. Me = sailor).

Everyone talks about the death of the English language, or more to the point, the death of certain words in the English language. Being a book-nut, grammar nazi (not that you could tell it on this blog. I'm channelling "stream of consciousness" natch) this makes me very sad. They say mobile phone texting has a lot to do with it, and I am frequently appalled when they bring out editions of Shakespeare in "text-language". Text, peops, is not a freakin' language! It's a bastardisation of language! A bastardisation of our glorious English language with all its big long words, multiple syllables, strange spellings (onomoatopoeia anyone?) and lilting loveliness. Anyway - there is truly nothing better than someone who gives good text - and good text does not involve gross shortening of already-short words into something unrecognisable, and nor does it involve over-use of emoticons. Hng out 2nite? Erm no thanks... I will be busy reading my dictionary.

Some eff-word gold:

jejune [ji-joon]
1. without interest or significance; dull; insipid: a jejune novel.
2. juvenile; immature; childish: jejune behavior.
3. lacking knowledge or experience; uninformed: jejune attempts to design a house.
4. deficient or lacking in nutritive value: a jejune diet.

Hatred for Kanye West’s jejune outburst at the MTV Music Video Awards practically united this fucking country again.


Note: It is a tad crass. But funny. I believe it is safe for work... It bust through the firewalls here and we are quite the paranoid, centralised uber-control nation around here at times.

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