That would be right! As soon as you drop from busy-busy-busy to thumb twiddling, you can't just enjoy it. You get sick! Ack! So here's me sitting on the couch feeling full of self-pity and boredom. I'm about to pop down to the video store of course... what else would a girl do when she doesn't have the energy for shopping? Although a pedicure wouldn't go astray.... So what would my dear readers choose for couch time? Keeping in mind, shall we, that after watching
27 Dresses last night (I tend not to see chick flicks in the cinema...) after I wiped my little cynical-girl-trying-to-hide-a-hopeful-heart tears from eyes, I then embarked on a rant about how much chick flicks have to answer for, creating these fabulously gorgeous dream men who simply don't exist and making women hope for loveliness when all we are greeted with is 'The Game' reading arseholes. So... I think we can safely assume my head is perhaps not in the space for romance... :o)

I'm not always like that, but I have been throwing my hands in the air of late. Much eye-rolling. Men have not impressed me over the last fortnight, and when you're sick you just roll with that sometimes. Unless your mum is saying calming words. And she's not here right now. :o(
So that was a lengthy lead-in to my : What should I watch in my sickly hour of need? (I don't want to see what I've already seen... And I'm a film buff, so we may have some struggle here. Let's make it a game!). What to watch, why, and what is the memory - positive or otherwise - you associate with the film? You writer-peops should be good at this one!
There is only one movie that can restore my faith in love / men and gives me hope for the future. (And - surprise! Written by a woman!)
"Something's Gotta Give" by Nancy Meyers.
Geriatric porn...? A tad?
Mwah ha ha. True that.
I always go for a bit of John Cusack action when I need to wallow, in both sickness and loneliness - Say Anything - makes my heart cry for someone to stand outside my bedroom window with a boombox held high over his head.. Cliched I know, but I love it!
Otherwise - if you're up for some TV instead, Mad Men - complete escapism, imagining how wonderful it would be to just answer phones and flirt with the ad-men all day wearing those FABULOUS outfits..
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