Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Can You Tell Me?

How to get, how to get to Sesame Streeeeet?

My goodness this is hilarious! How I used to adore Sesame Street... A nerd even as a child, I always hung out for them to say "zee" and giggle at how silly Americans were for not getting basic things like their ABCs correct.

Now I'm a USA lover (well, more accurately New York City), and while I eschew McDonalds and American spell-checks, I am a firm Buffalo Wings feaster, and I am dedicated to some of the greatest TV shows to emanate from the world - many of which are based in and around NYC: The Sopranos (oh Adriana! and New Joiisey aint that far from Manhattan!), Mad Men, Sex and the City blah di blah.

For further fantasmagorical Sesame Street memories, check out this listing (#844) on 1000 Awesome Things. [Yet another procrastination enabler].

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