I have a costume party this weekend which is throwing me into a tizz re what to wear. The theme is 'Once Upon A Time' which is fabulous! However... I don't know anyone bar the host (as far as I know - I should probably scout Facebook) which makes me a little worried about going all out a la Lindsay Lohan in Mean Girls. That said, I am hyper-critical of peops who don't go all out and be creative for a costume party... It's a bit boring when you don't stretch your mind when given the opportunity.

I also have a little theory about costume parties. Because it's a theme and you are ostensibly Someone Else for the evening, it's a great opportunity to get sexy and bootylicious and wear the stuff you would never have the guts to wear ordinarily (provided it links to the theme - if it doesn't, don't bother: you will just be lame otherwise). A theme party is a little like alcohol in that it breaks down inhibitions, or the very least it reveals a little part of you that you want to let out of its cage once in a while. I always say to guys - a costume party is one of the most likely places you'll pick up and nab yourself a one night stand or get that girl you've been flirting with but not sure where she's at to finally pash you. It's such a release to have opportunities like this, because as you get older and your professional reputation become more precious, it's not often you can spaz out like this (unless you're in a creative kind of setting all the time). Everyone says to be yourself, but we also have common decorum drilled into us - a phone voice, if you like. So it's great fun to splash out! So what am I worried about? I've put zero effort or thought into my outfit, that's what. Just haven't had time. And for something so elaborate as fairytale themes, it's a little harder to wing than my study-break black panther for a jungle/safari party recently. Yes I have a cupboard full of dance costumes, but the essential part - the tutu - was thrown out years ago! What to do folks? Any wicked ideas?? (And yes, I'm contemplating the Wicked Witch of the West!)

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