Fact is, PeachyPan's accessories are really cute and child-like, and really really well-priced (I can't stress this enough). In a world where Mimco becomes increasingly mainstream and instantly recognisable, we need creative types to throw some new things into the mix. Observe:

Ruffled anklet in white or black - $6.99 (actually - she doesn't make these, but whatevs).
Then she has all these other random items (second one is a bento box - small lunch box, the others are earrings):

Upon reflection, I doubt I'd actually wear any of these. If I had a niece or something, or one of my friends had a little girl - hell yes, she would be getting this stuff every time I saw her (bribery is the only way to win the hearts of children). Regardless, I think it's pretty cute and PeachyPan is certainly individual.
The other thing I like about her website is PeachyMan. At first I thought she had a range of ladybug rings for boys, in which case I thought she was totally nuts, however she has a "pin-up" boy for each month. Mr July is Luke, and the most outlandish thing he has ever done to get a girl is get a haircut, and his ranking, in order of importance, for the perfect woman is as follows: (1) Hot; (2) Friendly; and (3) Intelligent. Who said romance was dead?
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