Thursday, July 9, 2009

Seafood. Eat It.

It's winter. As well as several givens - dry skin, static electricity, getting dressed in 7 degree morning air and the wind tunnel on George Street - there is also that other habit that creeps up on you all of a sudden: eating everything in sight. Never being satisfied. Always hungry. Must eat. Mmmm... cookies.... nom nom nom nom. That, and a complete lack of motivation to exercise.

This food obsession is starting to affect the way I shop. For example, I am currently a tad obsessed/not sure about scalloping. Scalloped hems (courtesy of Chloe the lable and Chloe the actress with shit-hot legs) and scalloped leather (courtesy of Witchery).

Your thoughts? Is my brain suffering a food obsession? Or are these items covetable?

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