Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Please Explain

The boyfriend jean phenomenon. I don't get it, and I really, really don't like it. I'm not a huge fan of jeans at the best of times (bizarre - I used to love them, although I have a sneaking suspicion it was one too many claustrophobic, panic stricken moments lying on my bed trying desparately to do up yet another pair of ridiculously tight cigarette leg jeans. Or worse, needing to rip them off to go to the loo and not being able to slide the little bastards off my hips).

The boyfriend jean - first sighted on Katie Holmes to considerable derision. And then the trend caught on...

Regardless, this business of stealing from your boyfriend's closet (what eff-ing boyfriend? And shouldn't you be a little concerned if you and your boy share the same pant size?) has become the latest in the recessionista trends. Coupled with baggy jumpers, oversized shirt-dresses and waistcoats, the boyfriend jean is apparently the latest must-have. They seem so sloppy, so unappealing, and so anti-fashion it reeks of some kind of conspiracy (I can't grapple with an ugly clothes conspiracy today though). Perhaps everyone in Hollywood is fat and this is their way of hiding it? The trend was started by mothers with newly borns after all (I'm thinking Katie Holmes, Gwen Stefani, Reese Witherspoon et al). Regardless, I fear that this austerity business that is gripping the globe, courtesy of the GFC (eeegh... here was me thinking it was a Gulf Food Crisis - lord knows why), is being taken too far. We must relax, wear colour and totter around in high heels. Consumer confidence is the only way out of this mess, I'm sure of it!

Perhaps some of my other bloggers can explain this trend? I thought it was agreed during the Seinfeld years that the hems of jeans would never be rolled up?

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