Brian Atwood is apparently a shoe designer, and the shoes featured in the hot and steamy shoe porn shots below (photographed by Tony Duran and stylist Kithe Brewster) featuring Rene Russo (
Get Shorty,
Thomas Crown Affair... and umm.... I have no idea what else - I barely remember her!) are part of a book called
Role Play Rene. It reminds me a little of that joke in
The Nanny (yes, I'm scraping here) where Fran Fine comments that she was a huge model in her time, and her mother reminds her that she was a
hand model. Rene has some hot feet here. Lovely toenails. Perfect ankles. Sexy legs. And how old is she? She was born in 1954 for heaven's sake! So not only is this a feat of soft porn shoe-fetish hotness, this is age-defying sexiness.

Wow. I mean wow. As if I didn't already lust after shoes enough as it was. I'd like a cup of Mr with my stilettos please!

Note to self: die wearing hot shoes
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