I know I have only recently posted about the very cute Joshua Jackson but I read an interview with him today and it was so sweet and adorable that I had to share...
- On his girlfriend: "She's wonderful and she's kind and she's loving and she's forgiving when I'm a moron, and not forgiving when I don't deserve to be forgiven, and pushes me in all the best possible ways and is inspiring and tough and smart and funny and no amount of good words . . . I want to be a better man because I want to always see that look in her eyes when she looks at me. I want to be the man that deserves that love."
- On their relationship: "I'm pretty in love with her. It's gross. [...] Everything you find obnoxious about couples when you are single is all of a sudden acceptable. Like, I am the most annoying guy. We talk about it all the time like oh my God I would just never want to spend any time with us."
It's refreshing to hear someone (and particularly a celebrity) be so open and honest about their relationship and their feelings for another person especially when it's something generally confined to the "no comment" realm for a lot of celebrities and also a lot of everyday people at that.
For one who does not often speak about my own relationship and at the risk of sounding lovey dovey I am really happy that I have found someone who makes me feel the same way that Josh feels about his loved one (obviously change the male descriptors to female ones! :o)) and who also looks at me the way he looks at her...aww...

oh you guys - too cute! you are very lucky ms trinh! and you deserve it xo
ps: i hope mark reads this blog!!!
yes very lucky and yep he does!
does that mean we have a readership?! haha
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