I'm serious. And I'm not saying Tiger Woods per se, I mean what he represents. That is, a successful, not-bad looking 30 something dude. Leaving aside the issues associated with a divorced (let's assume it will happen), single father. If you knew a guy was a serial cheater, would you go there? And would you go there expecting to have a loving, committed, monogamous relationship? Can a Tiger change his stripes?
I really want to know what you think. Tell me!
I vote no. I'm sure it does happen, that a guy who was a serial cheater settles down and is happy and monogamous (think warren beatty and annette bening). But for it to happen in the first place says alot about the guy's character I think. If a guy is unhappy in his relationship and wants to cheat, he should grow some balls and break up with his partner before starting something with someone else!
There will always be underlying trust issues I think if you get involved with someone who you know to be a cheater...
Negative. Ditto to Phuong's comment! But that's not to say I'm not drawn to boys who I know can't commit - it's a bad habit..
Mmmm... would I also be allowed to cheat? Kidding. I couldn't even conceive entering into a relationship with this man. Just imagine every time he got a text message. My imagination would run wild.
The question is, if he was still married, would we be his secret mistress? That is the question all us women have to ask ourselves. Are we helping men cheat? Or is it just going to happen anyway. (I read a survey that said 40% of men cheat. What!)
100% with you girls! And so true about the texting thing... And don't even mention Facebook stalking! Eugh!!!
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