1. They have sex less. Truly ruly. But not in like a "once per year on our anniversary" kind of way, but just a bit less than the "we're on honeymoon and don't we just love it" kind of way.
2. The person they married is "the best sex of their lives". Which makes Finding #1 not make sense. Why wouldn't you have more of the good stuff? OR is it better because they have less of it? The answer to this is: it was always amazing, they did it a lot at the start, and now they Just. Have. Less. Sex. Stop asking so many questions about our off-limits married sex life.
3. Most of them knew as soon as they met the person that this would be the person they would marry (aka The One). Or, in the case of one girlfriend who had already known him for a while as friends - after their first drunken encounter, she just knew. [This "just knowing" concept is so crazy, don't you think?]
4. Their husbands are decent, awesome guys. Compared to the angst-causing dudes they dated pre meeting their The One. This is an amazing, inspiring, reassuring Finding.
5. They are all probably going to have babies soon, but they recommend enjoying being married for a few years first because being married apparently rocks.
6. They still all have social lives.
What a nice survey! I liked my findings, and it was an interesting insight into the hallowed halls of Marriage. Frankly, it is a total mystery to me although I will admit that being a female who likes table settings, I have picked out several different wedding-table table settings for myself in my mind. But I have no frickin' idea what the guy I marry looks like sitting at the table in my mind.
PS: This is not my wedding table setting. The chairs are naff.
1 comment:
Wonderful survey. I am now looking forward to meeting someone who I will have the best sex of my life with... Awesome. There is a bar to be upped... and I have a feeling it's in the emotional stakes.
I've never met a girl just like me in the kind of marriage I would be happy with, and for some reason I have no idea what kind of marriage would suit me.
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