Pity the poor Aries this month, so dreadfully understood. The Ramzilla ruling planet, Mars, is in the sign of its “fall” as it is the opposite of Mars in Capricorn, which is considered “exalted.” And right now Mars is squaring an about-to-be-retrograde Mercury. Ouch. So our Aries is bouncing about as usual, their personal hotness regime enough in place to ensure nothing seems amiss, but deep down they’re fuming at the lack of respect, understanding, space, intimacy… you name it. Tell your friendly, neighbourhood, secretly sulking Aries that all will be insanely well once Mars get into Leo and goes bats there for nearly nine months from October. There will be opportunities. There will be creation. There will be Hubris.
- from Mystic Medusa.
She never ceases to creep me out with her spot-on spidey-sense!
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