Following a particular drama over the weather in Sydney (broadcasting from LA, Kyle requires weather info to be sent to him and on this particular day, apparently two conflicting weather reports sat on his desk). After Kyle had a go at someone in the Sydney office for providing the wrong information, and then being told in response it was a problem from his end, Kyle immediately went on the offensive, calling the guy “full of dementia”, “a mental patient”, “a stupid prick”, “a moron” and “a bloody idiot”. [Let's not even comment on Kyle's intellect, shall we?]
The Sydney Morning Herald describes the rest of the incident as follows:
"When Field took exception to the abuse, Sandilands yelled, “Shut your effing pie hole. I'm not pissing around.” He ordered Field to turn off his microphone and when Field didn't immediately acquiesce, Sandilands turned on a producer. “Take him off the air, Sarah. Are you an idiot as well? Get him off.”
Jackie O sounded distressed, with the despairing mother trying to keep the peace in a toxic family. “Let's not fight,” she pleaded. “Kyle, what's wrong with you? Why are you so angry?” It had no effect. “I want him off,” Sandilands screamed. “If I say he's off, he's off. That's the way it is. Get this shit done.”"
SMH invited a shrink to listen to the audio and offer her view of his behaviour:
"She believes he displays symptoms associated with narcissistic or borderline personality disorder. He has such a fragile sense of self that when he's challenged or feels a loss of face, he becomes highly agitated and loses rational control. The more stress he's under, the more likely he is to lash out. ... The psychologist says there's a danger that the more management tries to exert control, the more irrational and explosive Sandilands will become."
Sounds like an ex-boyfriend of mine.

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