Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Try to be different or get a different disease

Seems it's in fashion to need the cold sore cream. See below for when dirty tackorama advertising happens to "high end" couture. Nassssty.

Or maybe this is anti-drugs? Like... Every particle up your nose is one costly step away from that designer dress you were craving.  Although keep up the drugs - you will at least look malnourished enough to pull it off.

Yeah. Bestiality. Hot. Yeah.

I think the obvious question here is ... Where did the other shoe go?

Ok. So D&G's marketing people had no idea about the sensitivities surrounding gang rape in Australia when they made this ad... But Vogue et al sure knew about it. Needless to say, it didn't run for long here in Australia. But... regardless of local issues. Is the sex-ing up of rape - gang rape - really necessary? Sure, some women just love a good gang bang every now and again, but she's being held down, she doesn't look overly engaged (i.e. like she's consenting) and those guys are just waiting their turn. It's not exactly a pleasure fest here.

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