Ever had one of those moments when you've had a shitty, annoying phone call and all you want to do is just SLAM the phone down in frustration/to express in one simple action your I-told-you-so-and-yet-you-still-throw-it-back-in-my-face-you-FOOL/or just good old face-saving irrational rage, only to be thwarted by the puny little red hang up button on your mobile phone? Sometimes a sharp SNAP of your phone just doesn't cut it. That's where yubz comes in.
HK designers have come together to conduct your rage in a healthy, stylish manner. Healthy? Damn right. These little babies are radiation free. So your brain can rest a little less toxic at night - perfect for long-distance lovers who spend free moments on the phone.

And, um... how does it work? These 3 easy steps bridge the language gap (there's some engrish on their website). They may want to change picture 3, however. It looks kinda ... toxic.

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