Or are you just happy to see me?
"Sex is a major part of young people’s lives so you should always be prepared. You never know what will happen. When you are getting ready to go out or whatever, just put a condom in your undies and then a couple of hours later it can certainly come in handy if you’ve forgotten about it.”
-Dan Murray, 18 yr old founder of Sly Undies, (protected) sex fiend
Dan Murray is the latest Young Gun to have been discovered by ABC TV's Cataylst program, for his Sly Undies - a pair of blokes underpants with a little pocket for condoms (and potentially drugs - the dimensions look about right - the first test pair on a certain MP's son with 180 pills in his jocks during another Qld Police drug bust at Family late last year didn't quite work, so the dimensions were revised down a little). I kid, I kid.
Dan sells his undies (condoms included) at music festivals - all the places you go, randomly pick up and realise drunkenly that neither of you have the requisite protection. I can just imagine them selling 4 pairs to a guy at a festival, when all he wants is the little packet inside the undies - that's a sex session almost as costly as Indecent Proposal. What with STDs resurging amongst the kids again these days (no grim reaper ads to scare the pants off - and the condoms on - the little hornbags), and a stated predilection for unprotected sex amongst the immortal Gen Y, it's time people got a little more serious. No glove no love (until you trade blood tests) and all that. The other great thing about these undies is that they're brightly coloured! No more tighty-whities. And we girls all know that we don't just look for Calvin Klein at the waistband of a boy's jocks. We like colour, and... Something about a package. Distraction.

Next up should most definitely be a girls line - girls need love gloves too.
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