Thursday, July 10, 2008

How Does This Happen?

The Case of the Bat Bra
A British teenwas "shaking head to toe" when she discovered a baby bat curled up in her bra after investigating "vibrations" she believed to have come from her mobile phone.

Abbie Hawkins, 19, of Norwich, south-east England, said she was quietly doing her job as a hotel receptionist when she decided to examine the "strange movements" in her underwear. "I put my hand down my bra and pulled out a cuddly little bat. It looked cosy and comfortable and I was sorry for disturbing it," she said according to press reports. She went on to say that "it looked quite cosy and comfortable in there so it was quite rude of me to take it out. I felt quite sorry for it. Perhaps I should have left it there and given it a good home." [Where, darling? Your underwear drawer?]

Hawkins explained that she had not noticed anything when putting it on. "When I was driving to work, I felt a slight vibration but I thought it was just my mobile phone in my jacket pocket."

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