You, dear readers, are quite possibly not affected by an affliction that mars my very existence on this planet on a frighteningly regular basis: big hands. Yes. I am ashamed to admit that my square-ish, made-for-hard-labour hands very rarely fit into the gorgeous little bits of wrist-wear that I so desperately wish to buy on many an occasion. It is such an embarrassment, that I don't even bother with trying bangles on any longer, for fear of that further humiliating moment when a sales assistant comes to assist, only to look on in horror as I try to wrangle the little bracelets from my very red, very large hand as quickly as I can while muttering something about my enormous hands. It's horrible!
After another of those "I can't wear that, my hands are gigantic" comments to a sales assistant the other day (sans struggle to remove bracelet) she suggested this: put a stocking on your hand, and then slide the bangle on! So simple! So effective! So clever! Sheer (haha) brilliance.
- Image -So perhaps I can get some of the adorable crystal bangles I've seen at
Peeptoe after all...
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