The winning entry.... So, so good!
Thursday, June 30, 2011
Clever Camera
These pics are seriously amazing... As a result of an ad campaign managed by Leo Burnett ad agency here in Australia. This clip represents there entry to the Cannes Lions Advertising Awards. Cool concept... Cooler pics.
A little more...
And click here for even more.
The words "collaboration" and "creativity" seriously float my boat. Is that lame? Tutorials are exactly what I need - I have never read an instruction manual in my life.
Wednesday, June 29, 2011
The Twit & The Lip Colour
Having recently become a Downton Abby tragic (ok… I’ve only seen 2 episodes, but I do love it when I get around to watching it), and because Dancing With The Stars (DWTS as it is known in the Twitterverse) is on right before it and further because I was babysitting that night so watching TV was the only logical thing to do… I watched DWTS for the first time. One of the contestants was the gorgeous Lara Bingle: one-time ‘where the bloody hell are you?’ pin-up girl for Tourism Australia, model, former girlfriend of Michael Clarke (an Aussie cricketer) and general girl-about-Sydney-town.
As a dancer, she wasn’t quite rocking it, but she also wasn’t as uncomfortable to watch as another of the contestants (remaining nameless, but any viewer of DWTS will know who I’m talking about). As one of the judges stupendously meanly put it, Lara was “dull” and lacking in the X factor. She then also got bundled out – much to the distress of Sonia Kruger who I also adore (mainly because of her star turn as Tina Sparkle in Strictly Ballroom). Lara was also accused of sporting a Cousin Itt style hair-do (i.e. her hair was down... and kinda in her face) which was distracting. True. When dancing, get thy hair out of face.
Tina Sparkle is cool. Don't let anyone tell you different.
Whatever. It was a shame LB didn’t go forward, as she definitely wasn’t terrible. BUT! The burning question I mulled as I watched DWTS and then later, Downton Abby, was this: what was that gorgeous, glorious lip colour she had on her kissers? Was it MAC? It looked like MAC.
Bingle posted Instagram pics on Twitter throughout the evening.
Furthermore, as a follower of Ms Bingle on Twitter, am I able to tweet her to ask? Is that weird? It seems weird! Stalker-ish even! Can you imagine getting a text or tweet from someone you’ve never even met, saying “hi – you didn’t see me on Sunday night, but I sure saw you and, well… Heck you were just wearing the prettiest lipstick (yes, I got that close!). What colour was it?”
I just don’t get Twitter. I got an account recently – in order to get with the program – and I am terrible at it. My tweets suck (I have lost followers after some particularly lame-o tweets), and I feel like a self-obsessed moron even tweeting in the first place, because I’m not a celebrity. Why would anyone care?? It seems to be a PR machine and nothing much else. (That said, I would love to be a professional tweeter for celebrities – that must make the job of publicists so much easier! Bugger those pesky gossip columnists – you can trump them in a 20 second tweet).
Anyway… If you can advise on one or both of these questions (particularly the lip colour… It’s my key interest!) I will love you forever. Even more than I probably already do. Which is lots.
As a dancer, she wasn’t quite rocking it, but she also wasn’t as uncomfortable to watch as another of the contestants (remaining nameless, but any viewer of DWTS will know who I’m talking about). As one of the judges stupendously meanly put it, Lara was “dull” and lacking in the X factor. She then also got bundled out – much to the distress of Sonia Kruger who I also adore (mainly because of her star turn as Tina Sparkle in Strictly Ballroom). Lara was also accused of sporting a Cousin Itt style hair-do (i.e. her hair was down... and kinda in her face) which was distracting. True. When dancing, get thy hair out of face.
Tina Sparkle is cool. Don't let anyone tell you different.
Whatever. It was a shame LB didn’t go forward, as she definitely wasn’t terrible. BUT! The burning question I mulled as I watched DWTS and then later, Downton Abby, was this: what was that gorgeous, glorious lip colour she had on her kissers? Was it MAC? It looked like MAC.
Bingle posted Instagram pics on Twitter throughout the evening.
Furthermore, as a follower of Ms Bingle on Twitter, am I able to tweet her to ask? Is that weird? It seems weird! Stalker-ish even! Can you imagine getting a text or tweet from someone you’ve never even met, saying “hi – you didn’t see me on Sunday night, but I sure saw you and, well… Heck you were just wearing the prettiest lipstick (yes, I got that close!). What colour was it?”
I just don’t get Twitter. I got an account recently – in order to get with the program – and I am terrible at it. My tweets suck (I have lost followers after some particularly lame-o tweets), and I feel like a self-obsessed moron even tweeting in the first place, because I’m not a celebrity. Why would anyone care?? It seems to be a PR machine and nothing much else. (That said, I would love to be a professional tweeter for celebrities – that must make the job of publicists so much easier! Bugger those pesky gossip columnists – you can trump them in a 20 second tweet).
Anyway… If you can advise on one or both of these questions (particularly the lip colour… It’s my key interest!) I will love you forever. Even more than I probably already do. Which is lots.
Burning Question,
Tuesday, June 28, 2011
Shoesday: Run Club
It is a fact that I run faster in high heels than I do in joggers. I'm not sure why... I have a 10 kilometre run this weekend, and my preparation has been, well... Non-existent. It's not going to be pretty at that finish line!
Friday, June 24, 2011
Happy Friday: Wedding!
Tomorrow I fulfil a lifelong dream of being a bridesmaid! (Is that an embarrassing confession?) In fact, I am CHIEF bridesmaid, which means I have to remember that right moment to take the bouquet, fluff my bride's dress at appropriate moments, and generally ensure the bride takes deep breaths and doesn't freak out if anything goes wrong (which it won't - the bride is a Virgo!).
The run up to tomorrow has actually been a little stressful - I'm not the most organised person in the world, and with a Virgo bride with high standards, I have been ON EDGE! Constantly. Last night we rehearsed, had dinner, and everyone seemed far more relaxed than we have been in ages. So now I feel I can proceed to look forward to the day. Our Getting Ready playlist is made (and very buoyant!). All I have to think about now is how to keep warm! It is SO COLD here! Colder than Melbourne, in fact! Yikes!
Also - check this out for one of the cutest proposals ever!
Happy weekend! xo
The run up to tomorrow has actually been a little stressful - I'm not the most organised person in the world, and with a Virgo bride with high standards, I have been ON EDGE! Constantly. Last night we rehearsed, had dinner, and everyone seemed far more relaxed than we have been in ages. So now I feel I can proceed to look forward to the day. Our Getting Ready playlist is made (and very buoyant!). All I have to think about now is how to keep warm! It is SO COLD here! Colder than Melbourne, in fact! Yikes!
Also - check this out for one of the cutest proposals ever!
Happy weekend! xo
Brighten Up
It has been a little dark here of late... I've attended two funerals in the past week, quite a few people around me have been deeply unhappy... And it is simply freezing here at the moment - which I can't stand. Colour helps!
It's Hip To Be Square
Ana Ivanovic is playing Wimbeldon with a square racquet. She's into the final 16, so it must be working...
Tuesday, June 21, 2011
Shoesday: Fusions With Art
Christian Louboutin has released their latest Autumn/Winter catalogue, and it represents the perfect fusion of the shoe-gasm gorgeousness we have come to expect from CL, with art work from the archives.
Monday, June 20, 2011
Speaking of Brisbane... As you may recall, Brisbane had an apocalyptic start to the year (well... that's how it looked on the news!) with severe flooding. Loads of businesses and families were affected in some truly awful ways, particularly bad for those who lacked insurance.
Tomorrow night (Tuesday, 21 June), Brisbane's Lyric Theatre will stage a 3 hour extravaganza of fashion and hair design in a bid to stylishly raise money towards Variety Queensland and the Premier's Flood Appeal. The show, UpDo, will feature before and after make-overs of flood affected clients, designer insights into their latest fashion collections, live demonstrations of avant-garde hair creations, a live fashion shoot and a sumptuous parade of big hair, big fashion and big-hearted generosity. Queensland fashion luminaries (including Easton Pearson) and fashion newbies from our very creative design and hairdressing schools are all coming together for this fantastic cause.
Tickets start at $29 and are available here. Yes, I'm going!
Tomorrow night (Tuesday, 21 June), Brisbane's Lyric Theatre will stage a 3 hour extravaganza of fashion and hair design in a bid to stylishly raise money towards Variety Queensland and the Premier's Flood Appeal. The show, UpDo, will feature before and after make-overs of flood affected clients, designer insights into their latest fashion collections, live demonstrations of avant-garde hair creations, a live fashion shoot and a sumptuous parade of big hair, big fashion and big-hearted generosity. Queensland fashion luminaries (including Easton Pearson) and fashion newbies from our very creative design and hairdressing schools are all coming together for this fantastic cause.
Tickets start at $29 and are available here. Yes, I'm going!
Tofu Or Not Tofu?
That is possibly the worst title I've ever had... Apologies.
Among my New Year's resolutions for 2011 were no more pad thai or hash browns for the entirety of 2011. Madness, clearly. Both of these resolutions have resulted in some new learnings, however. First, a hash brown is also known as "potato rosti", and I can eat it, because technically it is not called a hash brown, despite being very similar to a hash brown in flavour and appearance (lawyers thrive on semantic technicalities, after all). Second, instead of eating my beloved pad thai when I go to a Thai restaurant, I have opted for tofu dishes. And do you know what I have discovered? Not a single male that I have eaten Thai food with likes my tofu meal (more for me! mwahahaa), and secondly: I LOVE tofu. I would never have known this had it not been for my wildly ambitious NY resolution of 2011...
Non-lovers of tofu proclaim it has no flavour, and/or that it is like eating rubber. Yes, it may be a little rubbery in texture (although I've never eaten through a pencil eraser with that much ease), but it absorbs flavour like a mo-fu. A restrained and classy mo-fo, in fact. And this is why I love it. My mouth can be searing with a piece of chilli I've eaten by accident, by the tofu just slides right in there and with its delicate flavours, removes the pain of accidentally-eaten chilli. The best Thai dishes in Brisbane are - and will always be, in my opinion - from My Thai in Rosalie.
My Thai also now has its very own stand-alone take-away restaurant (My Thai Kitchen) which is also home to My Thai's uber-popular cooking school. Brisbanites who have never eaten there are doing their tastebuds a serious disservice.
Anyway... This tofu discussion was really just a clever segue-way into a new foodie blog that I'm sure you will all love... Running With Tweezers! Running With Tweezers also loves tofu! Like most foodie blogs, the pictures are amazing (Tami, the author, is a food stylist after all), and there are some fantastic recipes (including tofu ones!). Bon appetit!
All pics are from Running With Tweezers.
Among my New Year's resolutions for 2011 were no more pad thai or hash browns for the entirety of 2011. Madness, clearly. Both of these resolutions have resulted in some new learnings, however. First, a hash brown is also known as "potato rosti", and I can eat it, because technically it is not called a hash brown, despite being very similar to a hash brown in flavour and appearance (lawyers thrive on semantic technicalities, after all). Second, instead of eating my beloved pad thai when I go to a Thai restaurant, I have opted for tofu dishes. And do you know what I have discovered? Not a single male that I have eaten Thai food with likes my tofu meal (more for me! mwahahaa), and secondly: I LOVE tofu. I would never have known this had it not been for my wildly ambitious NY resolution of 2011...
Non-lovers of tofu proclaim it has no flavour, and/or that it is like eating rubber. Yes, it may be a little rubbery in texture (although I've never eaten through a pencil eraser with that much ease), but it absorbs flavour like a mo-fu. A restrained and classy mo-fo, in fact. And this is why I love it. My mouth can be searing with a piece of chilli I've eaten by accident, by the tofu just slides right in there and with its delicate flavours, removes the pain of accidentally-eaten chilli. The best Thai dishes in Brisbane are - and will always be, in my opinion - from My Thai in Rosalie.
My Thai also now has its very own stand-alone take-away restaurant (My Thai Kitchen) which is also home to My Thai's uber-popular cooking school. Brisbanites who have never eaten there are doing their tastebuds a serious disservice.
Anyway... This tofu discussion was really just a clever segue-way into a new foodie blog that I'm sure you will all love... Running With Tweezers! Running With Tweezers also loves tofu! Like most foodie blogs, the pictures are amazing (Tami, the author, is a food stylist after all), and there are some fantastic recipes (including tofu ones!). Bon appetit!
All pics are from Running With Tweezers.
Friday, June 17, 2011
Happy Friday: Fairy Godmother
This weekend I officially become a godmother to my beautiful little niece. As part of proceedings is a lunch... Which I am assisting catering for. I've never been good at fiddly little things, so I'm feeling more than a little freaked at the prospect of filling cup cake tins with frozen short-crust pastry (cut to size... not one of my strengths!) and quiche mix!
I can't wait to be a part of this little person's life. Sometimes I think all the things we go through as we grow up, are so that we can try to impart wisdom to the younger people who (hopefully) look up to us. So while I'll be dressing this little lady up to the 9s whenever I can, I'll also be giving her words of advice...
I can't wait to be a part of this little person's life. Sometimes I think all the things we go through as we grow up, are so that we can try to impart wisdom to the younger people who (hopefully) look up to us. So while I'll be dressing this little lady up to the 9s whenever I can, I'll also be giving her words of advice...
Thursday, June 16, 2011
The Nanny Gets Divorced ... Happily
Did anyone else absolutely adore The Nanny? It was one of my favourite TV shows, and I honestly wanted to be as perfectly funny, well-dressed and in as many different wigs as Fran Fine.
(Note: it's unbelievable how few pictures there are of her outfits!)
Anyway. As die-hard fans probably know, Fran was married to co-creator Peter Marc Jacobsen. And now they're divorced. And he's gay. And they're writing another show based on their situation called Happily Divorced. Huffington Post did an interview with Fran Drescher on the show, and also on her relationship with Jacobsen today (which is ... happily divorced).
This is pretty amazing:
In the show everyone asks your character 'how'd you miss the signs you ex was gay?’ In retrospect, were there signs you missed?
Yes. He was very into my wardrobe, picking out my clothes, buying my clothes, picking out my shoes, discussing my makeup. But he was a very controlling person, and I kind of assumed it was him being a Svengali, which he was. He was also very into musicals, show tunes, Judy Garland, Diana Ross, Cher. At the time, the “metrosexual” was becoming a part of pop culture, so I chalked it up to that.
People weren’t surprised he was gay, and that the only people who weren’t willing to face it were Peter and I. We replicate that on the show. Fran is constantly un-connecting dots—seeing things that were blatantly red flags of being gay that she chose not to see.
The name of the show is 'Happily Divorced' Is it possible to have a happy divorce? Would you describe yours as happy?
Most definitely. We had a life together. We had a love together. And we were sort of obligated to figure out how to put it on another shelf and reinvent it. It takes as much work to be angry divorced as it does to be happily married. And it’s an effort that’s well worth exercising.
Cancer helped bring us together, but I wouldn’t suggest that you wait for life to bite you in the ass before you realize how fleeting it is. Look within yourself, though--if you’re holding onto anger, ask why that is. If you can turn it into an opportunity to learn about yourself, grow as a human being, and feel peaceful and forgiving and loving, you’ll be doing yourself a favor.
I doubt I'll be rushing to see the show, but I loved the interview. And her own personal insights... And the fact that my love of big hair and mini-skirts is probably down to her gay ex-husband.
(Note: it's unbelievable how few pictures there are of her outfits!)
Anyway. As die-hard fans probably know, Fran was married to co-creator Peter Marc Jacobsen. And now they're divorced. And he's gay. And they're writing another show based on their situation called Happily Divorced. Huffington Post did an interview with Fran Drescher on the show, and also on her relationship with Jacobsen today (which is ... happily divorced).
This is pretty amazing:
In the show everyone asks your character 'how'd you miss the signs you ex was gay?’ In retrospect, were there signs you missed?
Yes. He was very into my wardrobe, picking out my clothes, buying my clothes, picking out my shoes, discussing my makeup. But he was a very controlling person, and I kind of assumed it was him being a Svengali, which he was. He was also very into musicals, show tunes, Judy Garland, Diana Ross, Cher. At the time, the “metrosexual” was becoming a part of pop culture, so I chalked it up to that.
People weren’t surprised he was gay, and that the only people who weren’t willing to face it were Peter and I. We replicate that on the show. Fran is constantly un-connecting dots—seeing things that were blatantly red flags of being gay that she chose not to see.
The name of the show is 'Happily Divorced' Is it possible to have a happy divorce? Would you describe yours as happy?
Most definitely. We had a life together. We had a love together. And we were sort of obligated to figure out how to put it on another shelf and reinvent it. It takes as much work to be angry divorced as it does to be happily married. And it’s an effort that’s well worth exercising.
Cancer helped bring us together, but I wouldn’t suggest that you wait for life to bite you in the ass before you realize how fleeting it is. Look within yourself, though--if you’re holding onto anger, ask why that is. If you can turn it into an opportunity to learn about yourself, grow as a human being, and feel peaceful and forgiving and loving, you’ll be doing yourself a favor.
I doubt I'll be rushing to see the show, but I loved the interview. And her own personal insights... And the fact that my love of big hair and mini-skirts is probably down to her gay ex-husband.
Every Time A Book Store Closes...
... a little heart breaks.
A few weeks ago, the enormous (and much loved) Borders bookstore in Brisbane's CBD closed (hopefully they put a Zara in its place...!). Today it has been announced that 42 Angus & Robertson stores across Australia will be closed within 4 weeks.
There is no doubt that we're gripped in difficult financial times. There is also no doubt that Australian bookstores are being threatened by online retailers who ship for free and sell books at at least half the price we are forced to pay here in Oz. Booksellers more generally are also facing endangered species listing by the rapid advance of Kindle and iPad/iPhone apps that bring a virtual bookshelf to your palm. I was given a Kindle for my birthday... I feel like a traitor as I adore the look and feel of books, but the Kindle makes so much sense - particularly for travel. How much of a pain is it to lug a Lonely Planet around with you on big trips? The Kindle eliminates the bulk, and is actually more functional - you can lend books, bookmark pages, highlight sections. Incredible! I'll also be downloading a Spanish dictionary in preparation for Spanish classes... Exciting!
All of that said, I think the boutique bookseller is going to survive this tough retail environment. Boutique booksellers stock not only the stock-standard books, and not only do they open your mind to a million new books - which are generally so beautiful that you must have it immediately! - they also offer an experience. And I think "experience" shopping is where retail is headed in the imminent future (in fact, I think there's a good chance we're already there). Book sellers these days go beyond just the attached coffee shop (nothing stimulates book buying than the smell of beans roasting!) to activities - book clubs, walking tours of West End (yep, Avid Reader is doing them now!) - and of course just the general awesomeness of being in a bookstore that just reeks of cool. They really are great places to be. It is my ultimate place for meeting a man. (Although I've never actually met a man in one - more like, it is my ultimate day dream place for meeting a man). Furthermore, much as I love the Book Depository, it can take a fair while to ship. So there is hope, of course, for the book selling industry.
Rather gorgeous bookstore in Buenos Aires. Yep... I've been there!
While I don't believe bookstores will die, I think the chains will continue to suffer, and are likely to survive only if they can drive down the price of books in Australia and become primarily online retailers with a few flagship stores (most likely located in suburban shopping centres).
In other book news... Before I received my Kindle, I purchased a HUGE amount of books from Book Depository. One of the books I'm reading right now is A Visit From The Goon Squad by Jennifer Egan. Pulitzer Prize winning, on Oprah's book list... It's awesome. The New York Times Book Review describes Egan as such: "Egan possesses a satirist's eye and a romance novelist's heart." And it's true. It is just so good! I can be seen stifling laughs, shaking my head in wonderment or shock, and tearing through the pages each morning on the bus. I think you guys would like it.
And in more book news, a 25 year old (Jean Kwok) just won the Orange Prize for her new novel, Girl In Translation. I'm hoping it's more uplifting than the last Orange Prize winning book I read (We Need to Talk About Kevin by Lionel Shriver).
One more incredible looking bookstore to salivate over:
A few weeks ago, the enormous (and much loved) Borders bookstore in Brisbane's CBD closed (hopefully they put a Zara in its place...!). Today it has been announced that 42 Angus & Robertson stores across Australia will be closed within 4 weeks.
There is no doubt that we're gripped in difficult financial times. There is also no doubt that Australian bookstores are being threatened by online retailers who ship for free and sell books at at least half the price we are forced to pay here in Oz. Booksellers more generally are also facing endangered species listing by the rapid advance of Kindle and iPad/iPhone apps that bring a virtual bookshelf to your palm. I was given a Kindle for my birthday... I feel like a traitor as I adore the look and feel of books, but the Kindle makes so much sense - particularly for travel. How much of a pain is it to lug a Lonely Planet around with you on big trips? The Kindle eliminates the bulk, and is actually more functional - you can lend books, bookmark pages, highlight sections. Incredible! I'll also be downloading a Spanish dictionary in preparation for Spanish classes... Exciting!
All of that said, I think the boutique bookseller is going to survive this tough retail environment. Boutique booksellers stock not only the stock-standard books, and not only do they open your mind to a million new books - which are generally so beautiful that you must have it immediately! - they also offer an experience. And I think "experience" shopping is where retail is headed in the imminent future (in fact, I think there's a good chance we're already there). Book sellers these days go beyond just the attached coffee shop (nothing stimulates book buying than the smell of beans roasting!) to activities - book clubs, walking tours of West End (yep, Avid Reader is doing them now!) - and of course just the general awesomeness of being in a bookstore that just reeks of cool. They really are great places to be. It is my ultimate place for meeting a man. (Although I've never actually met a man in one - more like, it is my ultimate day dream place for meeting a man). Furthermore, much as I love the Book Depository, it can take a fair while to ship. So there is hope, of course, for the book selling industry.
Rather gorgeous bookstore in Buenos Aires. Yep... I've been there!
While I don't believe bookstores will die, I think the chains will continue to suffer, and are likely to survive only if they can drive down the price of books in Australia and become primarily online retailers with a few flagship stores (most likely located in suburban shopping centres).
In other book news... Before I received my Kindle, I purchased a HUGE amount of books from Book Depository. One of the books I'm reading right now is A Visit From The Goon Squad by Jennifer Egan. Pulitzer Prize winning, on Oprah's book list... It's awesome. The New York Times Book Review describes Egan as such: "Egan possesses a satirist's eye and a romance novelist's heart." And it's true. It is just so good! I can be seen stifling laughs, shaking my head in wonderment or shock, and tearing through the pages each morning on the bus. I think you guys would like it.
And in more book news, a 25 year old (Jean Kwok) just won the Orange Prize for her new novel, Girl In Translation. I'm hoping it's more uplifting than the last Orange Prize winning book I read (We Need to Talk About Kevin by Lionel Shriver).
One more incredible looking bookstore to salivate over:
I Heart ...,
Secret Smile
Emma Watson is looking fierce (and very grown up for her measly 21 years) on the cover of US Vogue. Pretty sure Tyra would approve.
Wednesday, June 15, 2011
Film Review: Rom Com Central
So for one of the dates I went on over the weekend, it involved dinner at one of the guy’s houses, and a DVD. So I took along a selection – not having a clue what he liked or had seen, and being too rushed to read the back covers because I’m always late. To everything.
First one off the shelf – and the one I watched with my date – was Wild Target, starring Bill Nighy, Rupert Grint and Emily Blunt.
Bill Nighy is Victor Maynard, a lonely assassin of somewhat questionable sexuality and with serious mummy issues. He is also learning French – in the bathtub, rather endearingly. Emily Blunt becomes Maynard’s latest target following a clumsy art heist, and Rupert Grint is along for the ride after being caught up in a failed assassination attempt. Rupert Everett is the bad guy, and he is surrounded by a coterie of ruthless and also bumbling bad guys – you can see where the funny bits are likely to happen.
One thing I must note, is Emily Blunt's clothes in this film. They are awful. Truly awful. Such a disappointment after The Devil Wears Prada.
Wild Target was cute and had its funny moments, although I didn’t really feel that it broke any new ground in the lovable assassin comedy genre. While I didn’t really feel the chemistry between Nighy (whom I adore adore adore – have you seen his funny spindly fingers? Gorgeous!) and Blunt, I did laugh out loud quite a lot. If it’s available as a weekly hire, or it’s tight arse Tuesday, I recommend getting it out. 3 stars.
Another of the films (my video store does 3 overnight for $12 – can’t beat the value!) was No Strings Attached, starring Natalie Portman and Ashton Kutcher. Riding high after her Oscars success, this film kind of flew under the radar (apparently because the PR people wanted to bury the film as they thought it might attract the wrong kind of attention and spoil Portman’s Oscars chances).
No Strings Attached also covers old ground in the romantic comedy world: two people having sex and vehemently attempting to ensure they do not end up falling love with the other. We all know this does not work! They establish ground rules – i.e. no spooning in clothes, no breakfasts or other kinds of dates – however, Kutcher’s character has far too big a heart, and his kindness of spirit ends up with him on the scrap heap following the breaking of certain rules.
There are some hilarious moments in this film, and, for those who are a little prudish, some very candid moments. I laughed out loud. A. Lot. It was a sweet film, and for a single girl, it was also one of those rom coms that had an ending that gave you hope – and didn’t leave you sitting on the couch contemplating an impossibly beautiful ending that you know will never happen to you (cue teariness and possible ice cream consumption). Ed: Did that sound psycho? Perhaps it is. For some reason, I find certain rom coms terribly upsetting – all that true love? Get me outta here!
Anyway - I'll give it 3.5 stars. Perfectly fine to rent even if it's still overnight and costs more than $1 to rent.
First one off the shelf – and the one I watched with my date – was Wild Target, starring Bill Nighy, Rupert Grint and Emily Blunt.
Bill Nighy is Victor Maynard, a lonely assassin of somewhat questionable sexuality and with serious mummy issues. He is also learning French – in the bathtub, rather endearingly. Emily Blunt becomes Maynard’s latest target following a clumsy art heist, and Rupert Grint is along for the ride after being caught up in a failed assassination attempt. Rupert Everett is the bad guy, and he is surrounded by a coterie of ruthless and also bumbling bad guys – you can see where the funny bits are likely to happen.
One thing I must note, is Emily Blunt's clothes in this film. They are awful. Truly awful. Such a disappointment after The Devil Wears Prada.
Wild Target was cute and had its funny moments, although I didn’t really feel that it broke any new ground in the lovable assassin comedy genre. While I didn’t really feel the chemistry between Nighy (whom I adore adore adore – have you seen his funny spindly fingers? Gorgeous!) and Blunt, I did laugh out loud quite a lot. If it’s available as a weekly hire, or it’s tight arse Tuesday, I recommend getting it out. 3 stars.
Another of the films (my video store does 3 overnight for $12 – can’t beat the value!) was No Strings Attached, starring Natalie Portman and Ashton Kutcher. Riding high after her Oscars success, this film kind of flew under the radar (apparently because the PR people wanted to bury the film as they thought it might attract the wrong kind of attention and spoil Portman’s Oscars chances).
No Strings Attached also covers old ground in the romantic comedy world: two people having sex and vehemently attempting to ensure they do not end up falling love with the other. We all know this does not work! They establish ground rules – i.e. no spooning in clothes, no breakfasts or other kinds of dates – however, Kutcher’s character has far too big a heart, and his kindness of spirit ends up with him on the scrap heap following the breaking of certain rules.
There are some hilarious moments in this film, and, for those who are a little prudish, some very candid moments. I laughed out loud. A. Lot. It was a sweet film, and for a single girl, it was also one of those rom coms that had an ending that gave you hope – and didn’t leave you sitting on the couch contemplating an impossibly beautiful ending that you know will never happen to you (cue teariness and possible ice cream consumption). Ed: Did that sound psycho? Perhaps it is. For some reason, I find certain rom coms terribly upsetting – all that true love? Get me outta here!
Anyway - I'll give it 3.5 stars. Perfectly fine to rent even if it's still overnight and costs more than $1 to rent.
Tuesday, June 14, 2011
Things That Make You Go Hmmm....
It wouldn't be a weekend of back-to-back dates if I didn't discover something new about what turns me off in a man...
Top hits for this category as a result of the weekend's activities include:
* A 29 year old who still does Contiki tours.
* A man in white dress shoes.
* A man with no sense of humour.
* The pushy pasher.
* A man who keeps the remaining 3/4 of the dessert I baked including the dish. I assume in order to ensure I must see him again so I may get the dish back...? (I am questioning myself on this one... Should I be leaving the dessert behind? I keep thinking that it should have played out like this: he offers the dessert back to me, then I say "no, don't be silly - you keep it! I made it for you" and then he says "Oh goodness me, no. Your flatmates will kill me if they can't have some of your famous apple, berry & port crumble!", and then I say - doubtfully - "well only if you're sure... It is my flatmate's dish after all and they DO love my crumble so much" and he insists I take it, and then I take it and eat it all in one sitting. Correct? Incorrect?)
There just aren't enough Jon Hamm's to go around...
In other dating news, check out Sam de Brito's latest column One Plus One Equals? about the improbability of compatibility. So, for example... To me the things listed above are an absolute turn-off, but to another woman these things might be perfection.
And then there is this point that Sam makes at the beginning of his column:
One of the most challenging aspects about coming out of a long-term relationship and diving back into the seething spa of singledom has to be reactivating the part of your brain that's receptive to shagging strangers.
I just can't imagine sharing my body with anyone else just yet. I know life is short, I should enjoy the pleasures of the flesh etc etc. But... My head isn't there yet. Or is it my heart? I can't figure out which one rules my flesh the most. I am definitely guilty of the over-think! I am happy sticking to flirtatious, suggestive text messages, making eyes across the bar and the joys of meeting lots of new people and handing out my phone number for now. Blushing is fun!

What are your no-nos in a man? It can be a fine line!
Top hits for this category as a result of the weekend's activities include:
* A 29 year old who still does Contiki tours.
* A man in white dress shoes.
* A man with no sense of humour.
* The pushy pasher.
* A man who keeps the remaining 3/4 of the dessert I baked including the dish. I assume in order to ensure I must see him again so I may get the dish back...? (I am questioning myself on this one... Should I be leaving the dessert behind? I keep thinking that it should have played out like this: he offers the dessert back to me, then I say "no, don't be silly - you keep it! I made it for you" and then he says "Oh goodness me, no. Your flatmates will kill me if they can't have some of your famous apple, berry & port crumble!", and then I say - doubtfully - "well only if you're sure... It is my flatmate's dish after all and they DO love my crumble so much" and he insists I take it, and then I take it and eat it all in one sitting. Correct? Incorrect?)

In other dating news, check out Sam de Brito's latest column One Plus One Equals? about the improbability of compatibility. So, for example... To me the things listed above are an absolute turn-off, but to another woman these things might be perfection.
And then there is this point that Sam makes at the beginning of his column:
One of the most challenging aspects about coming out of a long-term relationship and diving back into the seething spa of singledom has to be reactivating the part of your brain that's receptive to shagging strangers.
I just can't imagine sharing my body with anyone else just yet. I know life is short, I should enjoy the pleasures of the flesh etc etc. But... My head isn't there yet. Or is it my heart? I can't figure out which one rules my flesh the most. I am definitely guilty of the over-think! I am happy sticking to flirtatious, suggestive text messages, making eyes across the bar and the joys of meeting lots of new people and handing out my phone number for now. Blushing is fun!

What are your no-nos in a man? It can be a fine line!

Friday, June 10, 2011
Happy Friday: Men, Men, Men, Men
Hmmm... After all that socialising, I find myself with 4 dates this weekend! With 4 different men! I'm such a player! haha. Don't worry peeps, I'm not sleeping with any of them! I'm just having a riotous good time. As I'm sure I've said before, I believe that harmless flirting has many health benefits for all involved: as long as it's respectful, safe and no one feels like they're being used or jilted, I think it's a fantastic activity for whiling the hours of a long weekend away!

I cannot express enough how happy I am to have escaped my massive funk of just recently. And I am sure that all these dates have come as a result of my new-found happiness and positive attitude!
I am also headed to the race track with a bunch of girlfriends, and various breakfasts and hot chocolates are to be had with other friends. I think it's going to be a great weekend - even though it's freezing!!
What are you doing this weekend? xo

I cannot express enough how happy I am to have escaped my massive funk of just recently. And I am sure that all these dates have come as a result of my new-found happiness and positive attitude!
I am also headed to the race track with a bunch of girlfriends, and various breakfasts and hot chocolates are to be had with other friends. I think it's going to be a great weekend - even though it's freezing!!
What are you doing this weekend? xo
Not A Skinny Foot Wrong
Whoever is dressing Kate Middleton is doing a stellar job. The girl can do no wrong! Although I do wonder if she's not just a bit too skinny? But then again, who wouldn't be, in that position?

What I really love about the Duchess' style of dressing is that she proves to the world that skin-tight, low-cut, uber-short is not the only way of dressing, and that dressing to suit the shape of your body is one of the best ways to go. I also love that her make-up is quite minimalist, and the hair. The hair! Gorgeous.
Here's a long shot of that gorgeous dress.

What I really love about the Duchess' style of dressing is that she proves to the world that skin-tight, low-cut, uber-short is not the only way of dressing, and that dressing to suit the shape of your body is one of the best ways to go. I also love that her make-up is quite minimalist, and the hair. The hair! Gorgeous.
Here's a long shot of that gorgeous dress.

Red carpet,
Royal Watch
Breaking News: Skyscraper Heels Don't Cause Bunions
Andrew Schox, president of the Australasian Podiatry Council has confirmed that very high heels are not the cause of uber-painful, icky-looking bunions (although they don't help matters).
A bunion - basically a big lump at the joint where your big toe meets the rest of your foot - are primarily caused by your gait, and if you are genetically pre-disposed to them. Being a female and ageing apparently also contribute to the incidence of getting them.
Andrew provides the following tips on choosing high heels that make a podiatrist's job something less of a nightmare:
•Save high heels for certain occasions, rather than wearing them every day. (Ed: unlikely, but I am willing to make Sunday the day of rest for heels).
•When you wear heels, try to opt for a lower heel height, which will reduce the pressure being forced onto your toes. (Ed: See above... Not bloodly likely!)
•Alternate heel heights on different days, to vary the pressure being placed on your muscles and joints. (Ed: As in, from high to higher?)
•A wider heel, rather than a narrow one (such as a stiletto) gives more stability, so you are less likely to twist your ankle.
•Take particular care when wearing very high heels on an uneven surface (or if you are having a few glasses of champagne). Overbalancing can cause serious injuries, such as compound ankle fractures, which often require long-term rehabilitation. (Ed: I sustain more injuries in runners than I do in high heels - and I run in heels a lot)
•If you wear heels regularly, your calf muscles can contract and become tight, which in turn can negatively affect your posture and your gait. Regular calf stretching can help. (Ed: Only by a hot personal trainer).
A bunion - basically a big lump at the joint where your big toe meets the rest of your foot - are primarily caused by your gait, and if you are genetically pre-disposed to them. Being a female and ageing apparently also contribute to the incidence of getting them.
Andrew provides the following tips on choosing high heels that make a podiatrist's job something less of a nightmare:
•Save high heels for certain occasions, rather than wearing them every day. (Ed: unlikely, but I am willing to make Sunday the day of rest for heels).
•When you wear heels, try to opt for a lower heel height, which will reduce the pressure being forced onto your toes. (Ed: See above... Not bloodly likely!)
•Alternate heel heights on different days, to vary the pressure being placed on your muscles and joints. (Ed: As in, from high to higher?)
•A wider heel, rather than a narrow one (such as a stiletto) gives more stability, so you are less likely to twist your ankle.
•Take particular care when wearing very high heels on an uneven surface (or if you are having a few glasses of champagne). Overbalancing can cause serious injuries, such as compound ankle fractures, which often require long-term rehabilitation. (Ed: I sustain more injuries in runners than I do in high heels - and I run in heels a lot)
•If you wear heels regularly, your calf muscles can contract and become tight, which in turn can negatively affect your posture and your gait. Regular calf stretching can help. (Ed: Only by a hot personal trainer).

Quote of the Day
"In matters of style, swim with the current; in matters of principle, stand like a rock"
- former US President Thomas Jefferson
- former US President Thomas Jefferson
Off and Racing
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