I remember a friend saying to me that should I ever get married, she could imagine me in a Jackie O type outfit - short, white, neat, pique cotton, possibly a pill-box hat, big luscious hair and definitely pearls. I was completely gobsmacked by the comment - not that I've actually thought about what I might wear for a number of reasons (mainly - no one has proposed, no one looks like proposing and these two facts make me feel strangely relieved) - it seemed like such a break with tradition, that I wasn't sure I would have the guts to do it (irrespective of my mini-skirt love affair).
When I saw this pictorial, I thought perhaps the comments made a little more sense.

The second- and third-last looks are my favourites. I do love that big bob of hers, too.
Would you go short on your wedding day? I'm not sure that I would be convinced - my legs are not as lovely as the model's!
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