It feels so good. Even better, the budget for my South American trip is now in (the proceeds of the sale of a house) - and it is healthy!
The past week until yesterday 3pm was quite stressful - I had to deal with Mr Rude and he certainly lived up to his name. However, if I've learnt anything it's how to deal with individuals who are slightly mad - dignity, ambivalence and faint boredom.

I thought I would fill you in on my current obsession which is, weirdly, herbal tea.
My current favourite is lemon & ginger, with a teaspoon of natural honey. Honey is apparently nature's antibiotic, so all of this herbal tea business began with a sore throat, and ended with a healthy addiction. It's also replacing my afternoon sugar craving much more effectively than my manic scouring of the office for Mint Slice biscuits or strawberries and cream lollies come 2:30/3pm.

Other things currently making me very happy:
* My niece who is almost here. I am planning her baby shower. I have bought a heart shaped cake tin from Wheel & Barrow in preparation for the high tea.
* The Wire. Pure, televisual brilliance.
One of my favourite moments from Season 1.
* David Sedaris. His short stories are quite shocking and incredibly effective. And still one of the first people to bring to my attention memento more while on mini-break in NYC.
* Planning my holiday - stalking the photos of my FB friends who have already been there. Lots faster than reading the brick-size Lonely Planet, I can tell you!

Good on you! The only way from here is up, up, up! :)
So happy for you! Without knowing what that toxic element is, I wonder if it's anything like the toxic element that I am currently working towards getting rid of - my credit card debt..! I have one debt due to disappear in March next year, and the other hopefully not far behind it by September next year. It feels so far away, but when I think about all these years that I've had debt and put it into context, one year is actually not that long to be rid of it forever! It's such a heavy burden to carry around, and I think the day after I get rid of it, I will have the same feeling as you - waking up to the dawn of a new life!
So jealous of your holiday! Can't wait to plan mine to NYC. It will be a reality soon!
Life is too short isn't it?
Oh yes - credit card debt is sooo stressful! I have been working hard to eradicate that myself (although it's a bit 2 steps forward, one step back - so slow progress!).
The toxin in question was an ex-boyfriend. We owned a house together. And now we don't! It is such a weight off my shoulders - it almost feels as though it has physically manifested in a lightness of being!
I am so excited about my holiday plans now... I will be posting details of where I'll be as I get more organised, so if you know of anyone in the vicinity please let me know! I'm flying solo at the moment for most of it, but would love some buddies!
I really, truly hope to get to NYC around the same time as you...!
Yes. There is so much to fit into our very short lives. We are so lucky to be able to explore the world with the freedom that we do!
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