Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Human Trafficking

Human trafficking is the 3rd most profitable form of organised crime globally - close behind the illicit trade in drugs and weapons. Each year, about 2.5 million people are trafficked - 1.2 million of these are under the age of 18. That is, they are children. Most victims are sold against their will into prostitution.

To the criminal mind, the profit in human trafficking comes from the fact that unlike cocaine, which is sniffed up your nose within milliseconds, humans can be sold and used by mutliple users over and over again. It is possibly one of the most disgusting crimes against humanity going around. The more distressing fact about this crime is that there is so much demand globally - be it illictly sourced in the developed world through the accessing of illegally trafficked prostitutes or pornography, or in the child sex tourism trade in certain areas that are havens for such activity.

The Body Shop has recently partnered with Child Wise - an Australian child protection agency - in a bid to raise awareness (and funds) to help stop the trafficking of children and young people.

100% of proceeds from the sale of the Body Shop's Soft Hands Kind Heart hand cream will be donated directly to Child Wise to help create grass-roots projects in Cambodia, an infamous child sex tourism and trafficking destination. These projects will protect children involved in, or at risk of child sex trafficking.

Likewise, 100% of the proceeds of the sale of the Hands Off! luggage tags will go to Child Wise.

Both products are a steal - the handcream $14 and the luggage tag $1 - so there is no excuse not to get involved!

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