I love lists. Not a day goes by that I don't create a list - grocery list, to-do list, to-see list, to-read, to-listen and on and on.

Photo by Jek and the Box
So what could be more nourishing for the soul and outright delicious but to start the new year off with a whopping big list?! Nothing, I tells ya! The beauty of a list is how it grows the more you write... I love it. But I have made my resolutions, and I'm resolving to stick by them. Here they are:
- Cook from a new recipe every week (this is actually a reprisal from an old NY Resolution List but it's a goodie and deserves another shot for 2009
- Consider tennis coaching (see how I said "consider" rather than "attend"? - this depends on thousands of factors but has nothing to do with motivation - I would just love to prance around in tennis whites while I chat up a cute tennis instructor for an hour per week and, obviously... work on my serve)
- Avoid damage to physical being as much as possible - for example, assuming attend tennis coaching, do not get stabbed a la Seles. I also hope to keep my liver in tact, and reduce amount of drinking (yeah right... )
- Sort out my finances (I believe the only way to do this is to marry well)
- Sort out my career - muchos cashos etc
- Travel (totally cheating - I booked flights last year).
So... I thought - yeah they're not bad resolutions. I think I can stick by those... except the damage to body one. But my list was put to shame by Spiritual Cowgirl 's* awesome resolutions:
- To do something each week that makes absolutely no sense, but reawakens every one of my senses
- To laugh as much as possible at impossibility
- To claim ecstasy as my birthright
- To dance the way a star explodes, a baby yawns, an angel groans, a wave crashes
- To soak my ego in Love’s drool
- To spread eagle my convictions
- To give without abandoning myself
- To completely redvolutionize my sexuality
- To sleep with as many deities as possible..and some angels..and maybe some demons… if they use the proper protection tee hee hee... me likey!
- To speak my truth, even when it feels like a lie
- To allow abundance to attack my life
- To play play play play play play play play play play play play
*Note: I'm not going insane. I don't actually read this blog, I got linked through as a result of clicking clicking clicking on links. Some of her posts are pretty cool though.
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