Everyone (almost) is waiting with bated breath to see (a) what she wears for her birthday bash (remeber the starry jumpsuit?) - which goes for an entire weekend; and (b) how trashed she gets.
Kate really is living the Absolutely Fabulous dream it seems - she has a child who I can only imagine is somewhat neglected as a result of Kate's lifestyle. I mean, how much parenting can one be expected to do when one must jet to exotic locations to model, get photographed snorting coke, go to rehab, ski with a 19 year old model, date Pete Doherty (eeeeuwwww!), guest appear on Little Britain (yeah ... but no .. but yeah), revive her career in triumph AND party. Too much. I bet her nanny has the BEST gossip in the world.

35 is the new 18
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