Given the infamous duel between Janice Dickinson and Banks, it's quite likely the mantle of "ice" will be firmly held by an insane Dickinson-based character who runs around calling her frenemies "fat".

In Tyra's words:
The story happens in a make-believe place called Modelland. Every girl in the world wants to go there because it's where 'Intoxibellas' are trained. Intoxibellas are drop-dead beautiful, kick-butt fierce and, yeah, maybe they have some powers too. (But I'm confirming NOTHING! Ha. You gotta wait for the book.) The story follows a teen girl and her friends who find themselves magically transported to Modelland, even though they're really not supposed to be there.

Does this excite or terrify you? Do you think this book will be held up by rabid mothers declaring the book encourages eating disorders and school-girl bullying?
I really hope Miss J is in it.

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