Monday, May 24, 2010

Fashion Apps

I'm not sure if I've mentioned to you people that I have an iPhone which I love almost more than life itself. (Not quite... My new car, collected on the wkend, has replaced the iPhone for now - however they are used collaboratively: the map function is essential when in the car with me, as I have no sense of direction whatsoever. I call it an adventure, others call it annoying). And one of my quiet joys is playing with apps or asking complete strangers what kind of "sweet apps" they may have. My little sister, being of the total tech age, is my best source for apps.

OPI - one of my favourite nail polish producers due primarily to the names they give their colours - has launched a new iPhone app that allows you to try out a new shade of polish without even opening the bottle. After customizing the skin tone (!!!), you can test OPI's 200-plus colors on your virtual nails.

I also have the Forever 21 app which provides me with loads of entertainment (you can play with outfits, go shopping etc).

Another that I am contemplating is Style Book(I hate paying for apps - I'm so cheap! - and StyleBook is $4) , which lets you take photos of your own clothing, organize it by categories, and then help you build outfits, make packing lists, and build custom Polyvore-like collages.

One of the freebie apps that boggles the mind is Chictopia - which essentially amasses hundreds of images of amazing outfits and blog postings from the Chictopia editors. This is the type of dangerous app that when you think you've spent just 10 minutes on, you look up from your iphone only to realise you have 20% battery left and it's midnight.

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