Does anyone else out there subscribe to Seth Godin's daily emails? A friend of mine put me on to them, and I really enjoy his emails - they are little morsels of food to think about either for half a second or half a day. Regardless, he gets the cogs in your brain turning...
Absolutely ages ago, he sent this one out - full of random tips. I like them all, especially #3. This is the year of sorting my finances out. Eugh! And #4 in my opinion is so, so true.
- No stranger or unknown company will ever contact you by mail or by phone with an actual method for making money easily or in your spare time. And if the person or company contacting you asserts that they are someone you know, double check before taking action.
- Don't have back surgery. See a physiatrist first, then exhaust all other options before wondering if you should have back surgery.
- Borrow money to buy things that go up in value, but never to get something that decays over time.
- Placebos are underrated by almost everyone.
- It's almost never necessary to use a semicolon.
- Seek out habits that help you overcome fear or inertia. Destroy those that do the opposite.
- Cognitive behavorial therapy is generally considered both the quickest and most effective form ofaddressing many common psychological problems.
- Backup your hard drive.
- Get a magnetic key hider, put a copy of your house key in it and hide it really well, unlabeled, two blocks from your house.
- A rice cooker will save you time and money and improve your diet, particularly if you come to like brown rice.
- Consider not eating wheat for an entire week. The results might surprise you.
- Taking your dog for a walk is usually better than whatever alternative use of your time you were considering.

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