Phuong and her lovely hubby-to-be recently purchased as wedding gifts to each other bicycles. One of the nicest ideas I have heard in a long time. But asides from the niceness, I thought... How good would it be to ride a bike again? With a wicker basket on the front?! So in my spare time, I have been looking on eBay for something cheap but functional.
And Phuong isn't the only person getting into bikes. Sarah Wilson is a big rider of bikes. Here she is featured in Central Magazine (no idea what that is) spruiking National Ride to Work Day, which is on October 13th for peops in Australia. I would love to do that... However am sans bike!

Brisbane City Council is prepping to assist the bikeless among us, with the launch of its latest initiative, CityCycle. CityCycle allows subscribers to ride council bikes around the city radius for free (for half hour intervals, then a fee applies). Personally, I can see a lot of drunken cyclists in the city on a Friday night (funny! possibly dangerous!) - but overall I think it's a cool idea! Sadly, there isn't a station very close to my home - which I consider close to the city. But I'm sure it will happen eventually. I may have a bike before then...

So. Thank you to Phuong for being a wonderful inspiration - and friend! And folks: on your bikes! It's the new black!

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