1. Amman, Jordan is not one of the most exciting places in the world - it's sister Petra is, however. It is seriously one of my favourite places in the world (up there with Hoi An, Vietnam and Shanghai and ....derrrr... New York) and it is breathtakingly spectacular. Petra knocked my socks off. See it before you die.

2. They have good food in Amman (not only the felafel and hummus... the little bakeries stuffed with baclava-type goodness are INSANELY GOOD - you will add 5 kg to your waist in that city in as many hours just because the food is so good and you want to eat all of it)
3. Good felafel can be enough to make you consider vegetarianism as a viable lifestyle choice. (Don't forget, it's not overly popular - you don't make friends with salad!)
Make some hummus and felafel this weekend!

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