Is coming out soon. I am in two minds about it: one, I'm sure the film is going to be weird and totally removed from the lives of the girls when they were singletons making it in NYC. I'm not sure that the people who signed up to watch the TV series of SATC, which had a very clear mandate I thought, were necessarily looking for a resolution or the answers to those particular girls' stories... Sometimes, stories should just end without knowing the absolute ending, and just serve the purpose they were originally intended for. All the flak the writers/producers received for trying to marry everyone off by the final episode would have justifiably ended things there, yet I suppose the $$ is far too tempting. Understandable of course. In any event, I'll still see it - but only if I get free tickets which are already arranged through my old job (yes! weird networking event for a law firm, but also makes sense from a women's networking point of view - except you sit in relative silence for 2 hours...!); two, I love the onset of anything SATC-related simply because you know SJP will be wearing something awesome. And inspiring... I mean this woman is in her 40s now right? She is more smokin' hot than most 20 yr olds!

Here she is in Marchesa.
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