The 1950s housewifery goodness encapsulated so poignantly by Mad Men is infiltrating all parts of life currently: bars are bedecked in retro-styled lounges and lampshades; baby names are returning to classic names in place of the push for the "different" (Epponeae-Rae) and, let's face it, downright bogan; Donald Draper was somehow Man of the Year despite his fictional shortcomings; women are apparently eschewing big corporate ladder-climbs for less hours and more time at home with the family; tailoring is making a comeback in a huge way, as is the skinn(ier) tie for men; men's hair is blessedly less sculpted into messy waves; elegance is back in general; and on and on. Also not immune, is the air hostess.

Air New Zealand has just released its manual of classic 1950s-inspired dos and don'ts to its crew of hosties. Amongst the important things for an air host/ess to keep in mind when performing his/her duties are the following:
* Never say "bun" (as in the bread, I'm sure their hair is firmly bunned up)
* Don't wear blue or pink eyeshadow
* Pluck your monobrow and trim your nasal hair
* Stand up straight
* Use deodorant
* No fringes that conceal eyebrows, obvious hair extensions, or towelling elastic bands.
* Avoid garlicky food.
Furthermore, wine must never be referred to as "red" or "white" (instead the grape variety must be named); napkins must be placed so the Air New Zealand logo faces the customer; and glasses must never be passed to a customer upside-down on a can of soft drink.
"We want you to be you, not someone else. Feel natural, so accentuate your good points and don't overdo what you don't need."
Here are some excerpts from the book:
JEWELLERY "A little bit of sparkle is good, a lot is a distraction."
PHYSICAL ACTIVITY "You may find it helpful to wear a pedometer, which will measure how many steps you are taking each day and hence give you a measure of how active you are and can aim to be."
MAKEUP "Make the most of your features and be confident that you're looking your best."
SKINCARE/HYGIENE "Cleansing each night is important to help prevent clogged pores and allow your skin to breathe."
"Chipped nail polish is unattractive."
"Fragrance and body sprays can be attractive when used in moderation."
"Sleep – in a peaceful environment – is a key factor in preventing puffy eyes and dull skin."
"While on duty regularly use mouth freshener, breath spray or mints to maintain fresh breath."
HANDLING COMPLAINTS (Guidelines Air New Zealand says have now been removed)
"Adopt a concerned body posture, voice tone and facial expression."
Koreans: Expect good manners and patience from crew.
Japanese: Expect reading material, water with meal. "Do not be surprised if you ask a Japanese female a question and a male customer answers on her behalf."
Chinese: Mainland Chinese aren't fussy. Hong Kong Chinese are extremely demanding.
Tongans: There is "no need to shout at customer" as "they tend to be a softly-spoken, reserved people". Watch out though: "As alcohol is free on board a lot will be trying to drink the bar dry." Also "many young Tongan males look older than their actual age; if unsure ask for ID. This will not offend them."
Samoans: Coming from a tropical climate, they greatly appreciate rugs.
Did someone say faux pas?