Happy Friday peops! Sorry for not writing this week... I'm in a new job so... You know.
What are you looking forward to for 2010? Apart from looking forward to Poh's Kitchen to screen on my beloved Australian TV station, the ABC, I am looking forward to:
* All the career nonsense that is swirling around progressing and finally making sense - only I can do that for myself though, right? Fingers crossed for New York.
* Travel. Who knows where, but South America is on the cards, and Las Vegas for late December/NYE is looking almost definite for a girlfriend's 30th birthday (aaagh! are we getting that old?)
* The Year of Adoration. While I love being single, I realise that I love being loved. We've all been burnt in the past... I have finally risen from those stupid ouch-my-heart-hurts ashes and I'm ready to embrace a real, grown up relationship. But only if he loves me. And only if I love him. So that's this year. It's not a single-minded goal, and if it doesn't happen... Sad but not life-ending. But I would like to be adored please!
* The Year of the Pedicure. I am obsessed since my trip to New York.
* Revamping my look. I'm thinking clean, cool, chic blonde. Like a resplendent American woman. Eco, clean, tan, fit (my NY resolution is to run a 10km run - Phuong, you constantly inspire me!), and effortlessly chic. Nothing naff or old-school. Should be interesting considering my penchant for dead people's clothing.
What are you guys looking forward to?
Excellent plans Rachel - I second all of them! Adoration is a big one - always is, having been single for waaaay to long. Travel - hopefully, especially NYC.. maybe Vietnam.. Career - am a little worried I'm going to be limited this year simply by the people I work with - long story - so I think this will be a year of sitting it out and making plans for the following year. And revamping my look too! I'd like to be cool, chic, and brunette. How hard can that be?? Hope it's a fabulous 2010 for you!! x
Running yay - you will love it! I aim to do a half marathon this year (21km eek!).
Career - move to singapore with work and finally be reunited with the fella.
Travel - lots of it.
Keeping in touch - be better at it. last year i was often too involved with my own stuff and did not keep in contact with those i love as often as i would have liked. so watch out for more annoying emails and phone calls from me this year :)
One of my NY resolutions was to better at being in touch this year also, Phuong! You know how paranoid I get too... It's so damaging for my silly head if I'm not in contact with you guys more often.
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