Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Happy Days

Do you know what I love almost more than life (and my iPhone and my wardrobe and... ok) itself? The country I live in. Every time you alight an aircraft after an overseas trip - particularly when the trip has taken you to random, developing world conditions - you always feel that wall of hot Aussie air, hear our drawly accent, and tuck into a monster steak and remember how good we have it. We're educated, we can wear the skimpiest clothes in the world without much issue, we can drink with gay abandon (in fact, it's almost unAustralian not to drink) and we can say and write whatever the hell we want (within the bounds of defamation laws). We're lucky. We also get a day off once a year to listen to Australian music and eat loads of steak, prawns and lamb and booze it up poolside. Which is exactly what I did yesterday. Best day ever.

And who can forget the annual Australia Day address from Sam Kekovich. I love this man. Hilarity. And the UN. Another favourite thing of mine. Perfect!

Here it is for those who missed it. If you don't understand, find your nearest Aussie and they will explain.

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