Later, in 1995 he was in loads more trouble for his 1960s porn shoot ads, where he had teenagers posing in a classic 1960s porn setting (think purple shag pile carpet, wood panelled walls, paint-spattered ladders - I actually lived in a house just like that...) with someone off camera cajoling the boy to rip off his shirt, saying "You got a real nice look. How old are you? Are you strong? You think you could rip that shirt off of you? That's a real nice body. You work out? I can tell." In another, a young girl is told that she's pretty and not to be nervous, as she begins to unbutton her clothes.

This week, we have the new billboard on Lafayette St in NYC - replete with what looks like at minimum a 3-some, with some orgy action on its way with young mister on the ground there. Check it:

What do you think? Totally inappropriate? Or the type of provocative, envelope-pushing advertising we have come to expect from Calvin Klein? Personally, I don't mind it - it's nothing like those naughty pics other designers have slopped on the advertising plate, and I think it's the kind of sexy, ambiguously-styled sexuality that CK is known for (remember - a lot of his fragrances are unisex - there is some androgony being pushed here). The problem for me, however, is having 4 year old kids walking past that, or worse - 12 year olds - thinking that's what boys and girls do when they hanging out in high school. (That's probably more of a parenting issue). I'm not sure a billboard in the middle of the street is quite the right place for this one. But hey - let's see how long it lasts, right? If it's still there in August - I'll get us all a picture!
Also in trouble is American Apparel - and on this count I totally agree. American Apparel is famous for using its staff to model in its advertising campaigns. Given it's a clothing store, I would have expected slightly more clothing...

What do you think? I think this is tacky, and totally unnecessary. Unlike the CK ads which have an element of class - and it's clear what they're selling (apart from sexy gang-bangs with your mates). I find the American Apparel ads a little like some pervy-pants has been stalking a few of the kids at school, and taking happy snaps on his Polaroid any sweaty, heavy-breathing opportunistic chance he gets. Icky.
On a happier note, David Beckham's latest Armani underwear campaign was unveiled at Selfridge's last week in London, not surprisingly causing traffic chaos as everyone stared, flabbergasted.

Jealous of Posh, much? :o)

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