Real love.
Ridiculous, inconvenient, consuming, can’t-live-without-each-other love.
- Carrie Bradshaw

Aren't we all? Some people have found it. Others don't know what it even looks like. Others imagine it with all their heart - full of hope, expectation and excitement.
After sending Textbook Romance to Ali - several weeks after my initial promise (sorry about that!) - and feeling rather gooey inside at the thought of sending some of that sisterhood love o/s.... I couldn't help but think about what love is, what it should look like from the outside in, and how it should really feel for the parties involved.
I have my own incredibly bad habits in romance that I need to break... Most people think I'm a masochist, damaging my self-esteem on purpose with each boyfriend I'm with. But I try to explain - to them and to myself - that deep down I know what I want, and when I'm ready it will be there. On a plate. And it will look a lot like what Etta has to say.
I know it's not entirely appropriate to say this as I'm so far off marriage that it's not even funny. But if I ever marry, not only will 'At Last' have a spot, so too will this song - because this, I believe, is where it's at. Someone who likes me for me. It shouldn't be that hard.
I'm so pleased to hear that Operation Textbook Romance is in action. Friendship is one of the greatest places from which to start a relationship ... But even if you don't get a relationship per se out of it, you will have a friendship irrespective of what happens.

I love it! I especially love that dress she wears in that hotel in Paris.. sigh.. Straight out of a fairytale.
And you're absolutely right - At Last is the feeling I want when it eventually happens. And this whole friend thing? Sure makes life a hell of a lot less stressful, but doesn't take away the desire to have just that little bit more. My male flatmate thinks I need to make more of a move.. Hmm.. I think I need to block out external advice and do this for myself - it is an 'operation' after all, and there are rules to be followed. I've got nothing to lose doing it this way, but if I follow in my old pattern of doing some of the chasing, I fear I'll end up with the same sad result.
Time for a change!
That's right! NO chasing! As well men still essentially being cavemen, there is truly nothing more satisfying than making them wait, and savour the fact that they are the lucky one to be with you. The length of time they wait is directly proportional to how much they appreciate you for you once things start kicking off. Truly ruly. No chasing. Let him have his fun too!
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