Although I must say I was glad that Kirstie Clements in one of her recent editor's letters made a very pointed slam at those Australian designers (Camilla+Marc) who blatantly ripped this Balenciaga trend and tried to make it their own. Way too obvious, people! Cue, Sportsgirl et al are expected to copy. And nor do stores like these, unlike Camilla+Marc, have runway shows supposedly featuring their uniqueness and creativity. Derivative = dull.

This week I lost my absolute favourite, best-fit black jacket in the back of a cab. I have been monstrously distracted by a variety of things of late, and this absentmindedness thing is starting to really get to me. My mother has at various stages of my life referred to me as scatty, but this is ridiculous. Scatty is one thing, not caring for one's precious possessions is another entirely (and yes, I'm sorry if this is terribly shallow, but certain items of clothing are precious - due not only to the cost factor, but how it makes me feel when I slip it on). So I've seen one at Cue that is - not surprisingly - basically identical to the one pictured. After trying on loads of jackets to replace my old favourite, I must say that the quality and slipperiness of lining makes such a difference in the wearing experience. Cue realises this. Their lining is mad beautiful.
I Loooove my black jacket! It's Zimmerman and it was part of a suit but I only bought the jacket.. It has a beautiful gold lining, and I'm wearing it in my blog profile pic, not that you can see it particularly well. I really need to get it dry-cleaned though so I haven't worn it in a while - always slightly untrusting of drycleaners.. Need to find a good one that will also not ruin my Lisa Ho cocktail dress that I spilled Rose over like six months ago and still haven't gotten around to getting it cleaned. Sheeeez!!
Hmmm... you might want to get straight on to that little job!
Black jackets really are the best things in the world. I am still absolutely devastated about the loss of my jacket - it was perfect for work and play, particularly with this gorgeous little Maticevski mini skirt I basically had to trample over other women to get. Devastated. More upset than losing my laptop, which is most bizarre.
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