Valentine's Day is on its way. It's one of those days that invokes a collective groan - whether you're coupled up or single. When you're coupled up there is the mad pressure to do something romantic - most awkward when you are in the early stages of a situation (I hate the word "relationship" I discovered the other night... As in after it was established we were "exclusive" boy then said "so... does that mean we're in a relationship?" and I almost choked on my we're-exclusive-smile... we just agreed to enjoy what's happening right now) and you are forced to be OTT gooey because Hallmark made you. Awkward/irritating/etc for singles who are forced to endure women walking around in public with bunches of flowers with a dreamy look on their faces. Most single women revolt and have a girls night.
As I'm in a "situation", I have no idea what will be happening. Regardless, if I've learnt anything from being in a relationship, I have learnt that to lose sight of oneself and to compromise so much so that you are unrecognisable to yourself or those that really care about you is the biggest error you can make... The main thing to remember I suppose, is that they fell in love with the person you were - bending to someone's will can only make you boring to them, and eventually, unlovable.

So as we move ever further to the day marketing created, remember to take time to admire yourself in the way you would admire and adore a new lover... Your attributes, your skills, your cute nose, out of control hair and your quirky imperfections. When you love yourself, it won't be too long til others join your little adoration-of-moi party!
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