From the luxurious lives of these rocking rich and famous, to their 24/7 partying ways, flittering though Twitter accounts globally. These young ‘now’ girls party in elite hot spots, just like the Peep Toe Girl.
She is high fashion, aware of her own unique style and not afraid to release her inhibitions and rock out. But the Peep Toe girl still holds a pure, youthful naivety. Her music keeps her grounded or throws her into the unknown, the deepest and darkest of thoughts.
The Peep Toe girl is fun, rebellious and cool, she's the monster stirring in all of us.
Clearly, I did not write any of that. Daughters of Rock is PeepToe Shoes' Autumn collection... While I dread the onset of shorter days and closed-in shoes, Peeptoe's latest daughter-of-a-rock-star girl collection makes the gradual progression of the seasons to winter somewhat bearable. I am also glad that the animal print thing is going to hang around a little longer: it means the leopard print trench I bought on a mad whim in New York can be worn without fear of being dubbed a cougar. (Actually, the trench is very similar to the one pictured below).

I'm most enamoured by the over-the-knee boot which is happily sticking around for another winter, and also happy about the continued long-life of the booty (4th season and counting). Not sure of it in white, however...
I'm not going to lie, I adore Peeptoe Shoes. In fact, I'm wearing a pair right this second. However my allegiances may be forced to change. Prices have skyrocketed of late. I understand the quality of the product is very high, however the designs are blatant copies of other designers' work. So why are we paying a premium for un-original product? When we are still in the midst of a GFC? It's not fair! *stamp foot*
Is it because HQ thinks the brand has cemented itself with customers and they expect our loyalty to continue irrespective of an extra $100 or so? Here in Brisvegas, however, some of us may not have a choice - a number of retailers here who ordinarily stock them are turning their backs on PeepToe due to their ever-increasing prices. These retailers fear that we are not prepared to pay so high a price, which I think is fair. Shoes that would ordinarily have gone for $180 this summer went to $240. I invoked the principles of retail karma for the pair I bought this summer (fluorescent orange closed back peep toe, absolute favourite for summer by far): if it's in my size come sale time, it shall be mine. And so it was. However, I refused to pay full price. And this makes retailers sad/angry - and in retaliation they stop stocking the product and find a cheaper version of basically the same thing. *sad consumer face*
There was a time when Midas was the highest priced shoe before veering into the true designer shoe category. PeepToe has certainly taken that mantle of late, and I'll be interested to see how it takes in centres other than Sydney (where there are dedicated PeepToe Shoes outlets). If retailers stop stocking the brand, and given my fear of purchasing shoes online, I can't help but wonder: what now, for my feet?
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