Today I am beside myself with anticipation: the hubby is popping down to visit for the weekend. At last he will see my second home for himself - the kitchen I Facetime him from as I cook dinner, the bed I have clothed in adorable polka dot sheets which I don't think would make it into our shared apartment (too girly), and the city I wander through on long summer evenings, wishing fervently we were in a restaurant with friends chatting animatedly as so many seem to do in the trendy suburb of North Adelaide.
Pretty sheets and pink pillow cases tend to fall by the wayside once you start sharing a room with a man |
It will also give me an opportunity to see Adelaide on the weekend - Glenelg beaches, Leigh St bars and cafes, East End shops and Unley and Croydon lifestyle. I'm looking forward to it! It's also a big month for Adelaide -
Fringe Festival is in full swing,
Adelaide Festival kicks off tonight, and the race cars are zooming around the city as we speak for Clipsal 500.
Festival go-ers will flock to the banks of the River Torrens for a free opening night party for the Adelaide Festival (a thrill for culture vultures such as myself) this evening
But mostly I'm looking forward to seeing my husband, who I haven't seen for 2 weeks and who I miss desperately. Being in love is always a huge comfort (when they love you back of course!), but it carries with it the agony of needing a specific person in your life. Love is most definitely bittersweet, but mainly sweet.
I hope you all have a beautiful weekend, whatever it is you are doing.
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